The days from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday are some of the most holy and meaningful in the life of the Christian church. We remember Jesus' triumphant return to Jerusalem, to be followed shortly by the Passover meal where he served his disciples; his betrayal and crucifixion and, joyfully, his resurrection on Easter morning. We invite you to mark these important points of remembrance and faith with us.

PALM SUNDAY | April 13 | 9am * & 11am * | Fort Lauderdale Campus

Children are invited to wave palms at the beginning of the 9am Praise Service and the 11am Traditional Service. We'll continue our series, Jesus, with the message The Victory of His Defeat,  based on Matthew 21:1-10 and 27:27-31. Holy Grounds coffee will open at 8:45am, before the praise service and continue until 11am.

MAUNDY THURSDAY | April 17 | 7pm worship & experiential seder | Fort Lauderdale sanctuary & gym *

We mark Jesus' last night with his disciples before his betrayal and crucifixion with worship followed by an experiential seder. In the gospel of John, we are told that Jesus shared the passover meal with this disciples. Did you know that the word "maundy" is the English word for the Latin mandatum or commandment. It was at this last supper that Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them (John 13:34). After the seder presentation, we will celebrate Holy Communion together. The worship service and experiential seder are free, but we ask that you sign up in advance so we prepare enough seats at the table.

Sign up here for Maundy Thursday seder presentation

Church family, sign up here to serve on Maundy Thursday

GOOD FRIDAY | April 18 | 7pm | Fort Lauderdale Sanctuary *

We remember Christ's sacrifice for us with a service of scripture and music.


Hospitality volunteers are welcomed throughout the morning. 

Fort Lauderdale Campus

Sunrise Service | 6:30am | Christ Church Field

Celebrate Jesus' resurrection as the sun rises with the Praise Band, led by Zaria Modeste.  Pastor Peytyn Tobin will deliver the message, Resurrection and Life, at the sunrise service. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to get comfy; chairs will be set up on the field. The coffee will be hot and ready for you. 

Praise Service | 9am | Christ Church Gym *

Join us for joyful worship with the Praise Band, led by Zaria Modeste, director of music ministry. Pastor Cathy Johns will deliver the message, Resurrection and Life. Child care for infants and toddlers is available in the nursery, located in the building just east of the Fort Lauderdale Sanctuary.

The Egg Hunt | 10:30am | lawn

This is the eggs-citement the kids wait for.  We'll have hundreds and hundreds of plastic eggs filled with candy and trinkets for children to collect.  Trade in the eggs and receive a prize. Bring your Easter basket if you can.

Traditional Service | 11am | Fort Lauderdale Sanctuary *

Celebrate Jesus' resurrection with hymns and music from the Handbell and Chancel choirs and the majestic Christ Church pipe organ, all led by Traditional Music Director Chuck Stanley. Pastor Cathy Johns will preach the Easter message, Resurrection and Life. The service closes with the congregational singing of the Hallelujah Chorus, followed by Toccata from Symphony 5 by Charles-Marie Widor by Chuck Stanley on the organ.

Child care for infants and toddlers is in the nursery, located in the building just east of the Fort Lauderdale Sanctuary. 

Parkway Campus | 100 ne 44th street, deerfield beach

Breakfast | 9am 

Celebrate Easter as you enjoy a community breakfast on the Parkway Campus, 100 NE 44th Street, Deerfield Beach.

* Livestreamed service

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