the shared stories project

The Shared Stories Project is an opportunity to experience the power and beauty of sharing stories, to have honest and open conversations and to learn the circumstances and events that shape lives.

The project began in 2020, in the wake of the death of George Floyd in police custody and a string of other Black Americans' death at the hands of police. Then Lead Pastor Brett Opalinski began the project to allow friends and members of Christ Church to tell their stories.

Sharing stories is a spiritual practice, a way to make room for the Holy Spirit to move and help us grow. 

Little did we know that this interview project would introduce Christ Church to its future lead pastor, Nathan Adams, who was then pastor at P)ark Hill United Methodist in Denver.

Other speakers include Rob and Mark Angle, members of Christ Church; Jason Campbell, praise worship leader of Christ Church; and Mirhonda Studevant, lay leader of Christ Church. 

We invite you to listen to these powerful voices.

The Shared Stories Project - Cecile Scoon

11/29/2021 | 01:16:07

Cecile Scoon, the first black woman elected to lead the Florida League of Women Voters, tells her story, including her impressions of race and how she she decided to be a civil rights attorney. She talks about what she sees as the most pressing issues of race in Florida and offers recommendations for action and response in this conversation with the Anti-Racism Task Force and guests.


The Shared Stories Project - Rob and Mark Angle

10/07/2020 | 00:34:13

There is power and beauty in sharing stories with one another. Sharing stories is a way to make room for the Holy Spirit to move and help us grow. Story sharing, then, is a spiritual practice. Listen as Pastor Brett Opalinski talks with Rob and Mark Angle. Watch other interviews in the Shared Stories Project at

The Shared Stories Project - Rev. Nathan Adams

08/06/2020 | 00:29:53

The Shared Stories Project - Mirhonda Studevant

07/21/2020 | 00:41:20

The Shared Stories Project - Jason Campbell

07/20/2020 | 00:35:55

There is power and beauty in sharing stories with one another. Sharing stories is a way to make room for the Holy Spirit to move and help us grow. Story sharing, then, is a spiritual practice. Listen as Pastor Brett Opalinski talks with Jason Campbell, praise worship leader at Christ Church.

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