Nearer, My God to Thee | arr. Lowell Mason
Chuck Stanley, organ
Jason W. Krug | tune: © 2017 Lorenz Corporation | ASCAP text: © 2017 Lorenz Corporation | All rights reserved | Used with permission under One License #A-726973
Pastors David McEntire and Peytyn Tobin
Please see below.
CALL TO WORSHIP | Connie Bookholt, liturgist
Bless the Lord who forgives all our sins.
God’s mercy endures forever.
In God’s mercy, we are cleansed of our sins.
Every failing is wiped away, and we are made new in God’s sight.
We come to mark the beginning of the season of Lent.
We come to remember our brokenness through ashes and prayer.
May God’s love and mercy be upon today.
Let us renew ourselves as we worship together. Amen.
Lord who throughout These Forty Days
| The United Methodist Hymnal No. 269 (verse 1,2,4,5)
A Lord, who throughout these forty days, for us did fast and pray.
Teach us with you to mourn our sins, and close by you to stay.
As you with Satan did contend, and did the victory win,
O give us strength in you to fight, in you to conquer sin.
And through these days of penitence, and through your passiontide,
Yea, evermore, in life and death, Jesus with us abide.
Abide with us, that so this life of suffering over past,
an Easter of unending joy we may attain at last.
Annabel Morris Buchanan | Charles H. Webb | Claudia Frances Ibotson Hernaman | © words: public domain | music: 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House | CCLI License # 487103
Gracious and merciful God, as we gather in your presence, we acknowledge our faults and shortcomings, and we seek your forgiveness for the times we have strayed from your path. Thank God for your unending love and mercy. As we begin this season of fasting and prayer, guide us to turn from distractions and worldly desires and focus our hearts and minds on you. Grant us the wisdom to discern your will and the courage to follow where you lead. May this time of penitence, fasting, and prayer draw us closer to you, and may it transform our hearts to be more like yours. Amen.
Lord Have Mercy | Steve Merkel
Jesus I've forgotten
The words that You have spoken
Promises that burned within my heart
Have now grown dim
With a doubting heart I follow
The paths of earthly wisdom
Forgive me for my unbelief
Renew the fire again
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on me
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on me
I have built an altar
Where I've worshipped things of man
I have taken journeys
That have drawn me far from you
Now I am returning
To your mercies ever flowing
Pardon my transgressions
Help me love you again
I have longed to know you
And all your tender mercies
Like a river of forgiveness
Ever flowing without end
So I bow my heart before you
In the goodness of Your presence
Your grace forever shining
Like a beacon in the night
Lord have mercy Lord have mercy on us
Lord have mercy Lord have mercy on us
Lord have mercy Lord have mercy on us
Lord have mercy Lord have mercy on us
© 2000 Integrity's Hosanna! Music | CCLI License # 487103
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE | Pastor Monique McBride
Today we take the first dusty steps of Lent. Though we walk these steps each year, we do not know where they will take us.
Give us faith on this journey of uncertainty.
Today we humbly ask for your grace for our stumbles and missteps. We thank you for this Lenten opportunity to redirect, repent, recalibrate, and renew.
Give us forgiveness on this journey of uncertainty.
Today we acknowledge our need to be in control, to be in the driver’s seat of our lives. Help us to release our worries, our need to be in charge, and to know all that lies ahead.
Give us peace from our worries on this journey of uncertainty.
Today we remember that life is fragile, fleeting, and finite. Let us not miss a moment of our opportunity to live a life of love.
Give us resurrection for our mortality on this journey of uncertainty.
Today we walk with purpose in the footsteps you have taken before us. Guide our journey. Lead us toward your love even when we are not sure where it will lead us. When we are feeling especially uncertain, give us courage and self- control to follow you each step of the way.
Give us faith, assurance, and obedience as we embrace this journey of uncertainty.
Mark 9:14-29
These are the words of God for us, the people of God. Thanks be to God.
Embracing the Uncertain
| Faith for the Journey | Pastor David McEntire
Blessing the Dust
| A Blessing for Ash Wednesday
All those days
you felt like dust,
like dirt,
as if all you had to do
was turn your face
toward the wind
and be scattered
to the four corners
or swept away
by the smallest breath
as insubstantial—
Did you not know
what the Holy One
can do with dust?
This is the day
we freely say
we are scorched.
This is the hour
we are marked
by what has made it
through the burning.
This is the moment
we ask for the blessing
that lives within
the ancient ashes,
that makes its home
inside the soil of
this sacred earth.
So let us be marked
not for sorrow.
And let us be marked
not for shame.
Let us be marked
not for false humility
or for thinking
we are less
than we are
but for claiming
what God can do
within the dust,
within the dirt,
within the stuff
of which the world
is made,
and the stars that blaze
in our bones,
and the galaxies that spiral
inside the smudge
we bear.
–Jan Richardson
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
worshiping through the offering of our lives and gifts.
· Place offerings in the plates or wooden boxes
· Give online at
· Text GIVE to 954.880.3885
· Mail a check to Christ Church, 4845 NE 25th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Christ Church is a congregationally supported ministry. We thank you for your faithfulness as we reflect the love, hope and joy of Jesus to our community.
Lenten Meditation
| Jay Althouse
Chancel Choir
Jesus Christ, my savior lived for me, and died, source of my salvation, yet was crucified. Peace that knows no measure: this by faith I see. Love that knows no ending; Jesus died for me. Lord, O Lord, we renew our commitment these forty nights and days. And, Lord by your grace help us change our sinful ways. Hear me now, Lord Jesus: I will never stray. I will never wander. Hear me, as I pray: free me now from darkness. Cleanse me now from sin. Pardon my transgressions. Make me pure within.
© 2001 Hope Publishing Company | All rights reserved | Used with permission under One License #A-726973
Nothing but the Blood
| The United Methodist Hymnal No. 362 (verse 1,2,3,4)
What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
(refrain) O precious is the flow that makes me bright as snow;
no other fount I know; nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my pardon this I see: nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this my plea: nothing but the blood of Jesus. (refrain)
Nothing can for sin atone: nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Naught of good that I have done: nothing but the blood of Jesus. (refrain)
This is all my hope and peace: nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness: nothing but the blood of Jesus. (refrain)
Robert Lowry | words: & music public domain | CCLI License # 487103
Please depart in silence.
* please stand in body or spirit.
Join us Saturday, February 17, at 7pm for Café Worship, a night of music and artistry. Invite your friends and neighbors to hear Christ Church musicians and University of Miami Strings players join forces for an evening of spoken and musical artistry, as a local artist paints. The evening is free. Learn more about the concert series at
Join us Sunday, February 18, at 9am and 11am, when we continue the Lent series Embracing the Uncertain with the message Forgetting, based on Philippians 3:12-16.
HOLY GROUNDS COFFEE TIME is open Sundays before the 9am and 11am services. Join us in the gym lobby for conversation and coffee.
TIME WITH THE PREACHER sunday | 10am | fellowship halls 1&2 Time with the Preacher is an opportunity to go deeper into the day’s message at 10am Sundays. During Lent, Time with the Preacher will follow on the book behind our message series, Embracing the Uncertain, by Rev. Magrey deVega. Whether you worship at 9am or 11am, you’re sure to learn from and enjoy the comments and insights. You’ll also have an opportunity to ask questions. Holy Grounds, the coffee area outside the kitchen window, will be open, so grab a cup of coffee and join us.
CONNECT CARDS We want to connect with you. Please fill out a Connect Card and tell us how we can pray with you and help you be part of the ministries you’re called to. We’d love to hear your ideas also. You’ll find the Connect Card at
FOR THE 2024 BUDGET Christ Church is called to do great things! Answering that call takes all of us. In the coming days you will receive a letter and information on how to pledge your resources to Christ Church for this year. Our theme is Grow in Grace, Grow in Giving to acknowledge that the only reason to give is that we are thankful for God’s gift of grace. When you receive your letter, you will also receive a pledge card. We will return our pledge cards on Sunday, February 25, in worship. If you would like to pledge online, please go to
ANTI-RACISM TASK FORCE sunday | march 3 | 12:15pm Gather with the Anti-Racism Task Force after the 11am worship service to talk about future events and opportunities to participate. Questions? Send an email to
MORE THAN CONQUERORS PRAYER GROUP sunday | march 3 | 11am | fellowship halls Bring joys and concerns of your life, our community and our world to the feet of Jesus with others who are devoted to intercessory prayer. Feel free to attend to receive or share in prayer. The group gathers in the Fellowship Halls to share and pray about our collective joys and concerns. All are invited. This group meets the first Sunday of each month after Time with the Preacher and before the Anti-Racism Task Force meeting. For more information, send an email to
SERVE BREAKFAST ON SUNDAY MORNINGS Every Sunday morning at 9am, a community breakfast is shared by about 40 friends and neighbors on the Parkway Campus. Volunteers are needed to help prepare, serve, share and clean-up on Sundays, between 7:30am and 10:30am. If you can help only part of that time, that's OK too. The Parkway Campus is located at 100 NE 44th Street, Deerfield Beach.
SHARE YOUR MUSICAL TALENTS The Christ Church music ministry invites you to share your musical talents. Instrument players as well as vocalists are invited to contact Jason Campbell, director of music ministry, at
LEAD MORNING PRAYERS weekdays | 7:30am | on Facebook The Christ Church family gathers weekday mornings at 7:30am for prayers, and we could use your help as a leader of this livestream on Facebook. If you would like to do this, the pastors will show you how. Just send an email to Pastor Peytyn,
LOVE IN ACTION FORT LAUDERDALE Volunteers are needed to help prepare meatloaf dinners in the Fort Lauderdale Campus kitchen. The meals are prepared the first Thursday of each month. month. The team works 2-4pm to prepare the meal, which is served at Hope Central, 1100 N. Andrews Ave. If you can help, please send an email to
BLESSINGS FOOD PANTRY NEEDS TRUCK DRIVER The Blessings Food Pantry, a Christ Church ministry, needs a volunteer truck driver on Monday and Wednesday mornings. This volunteer drives a church truck to two Publix stores within 10 miles of the Parkway campus. At each store, they get paperwork signed by a store employee, and load and unload boxes that can weigh up to 60 pounds. There will be help to unload the truck when it arrives at the Parkway Campus. The route starts at 7am and lasts until about 10am those two days. Volunteers for this role need to pass a church background check, provide a current driver's license, and pass a short driving test with Mike Gartland, facilities director. If you are interested in volunteering in this way, please contact Mike Gartland,
JOIN THE WELCOME TEAM Do you enjoy greeting your church family and welcoming guests? The Welcome Team would be a great place for you to serve. Welcome Team members also help serve communion and collect the offering. Some welcome team members also serve as ushers and greeters for memorial services and other special events. Linda Bajkowsky coordinates the team and would love your help. Serving with the Welcome Team is a great way to get to know your church family. Sign up at
BE PART OF THE WORSHIP TECH TEAM Put your tech skills to work for God. If you would like to be part of the team that helps run the cameras and visuals for worship, send an email to
SHARED MEALS You are invited to share a meal and community twice a week on the Parkway Campus. On Wednesday at 5pm, a shared dinner is served to all who come. On Sunday at 9am, breakfast is shared. All are invited to enjoy great conversation over lovingly prepared food.
CHRIST CHURCH AT TRIVIA NIGHT mondays | 7:30pm | Funky Buddha Brewery Join the team that plays trivia on Monday nights at the Funky Buddha. It’s an informal gathering of folks who just have fun trying to answer the questions and catching up on each others’ lives. Look for the Christ Church team at the Funky Buddha, 1201 NE 38th Street, Oakland Park, on Monday nights.
MORNING PRAYERS weekdays | 7:30am Begin your weekdays praying with your church family at 7:30am on the Christ Church Facebook page, @christchurchfl. If you can’t be online at 7:30, a recording of morning prayers is available on Facebook. Morning prayers take a break on church and federal holidays.
FAITH CARING TEAM mondays | 1pm The Faith Caring Group reflects and addresses the need for caring and assistance as well as grief support. The group meets on Zoom every Monday of the month, except the second Monday when members have lunch at the Fort Lauderdale Olive Garden. For more information, send an email to with your contact information. A Faith Caring Group leader will get back to you.
GOOD GAME “GG” WEDNESDAYS 5:30-7:30pm | christ church gym This fun time for middle- and high school students is an opportunity to learn and play games, as well as grow in faith. Questions? Send an email to Mr. Hazem, director of children & student ministries,
Christ Church will be closed Monday, February 19, in observance of Presidents Day. The church office will reopen at 9am Tuesday, February 20.
All Rights Reserved
Christ Church