Christ Church operates several ministries, and also partners with community organizations to extend Jesus’ love. Serving in God's name is a natural progression in the life of faith. As we grow closer to our Creator, we naturally want to reach out and serve people in need. We encourage everyone in the Christ Church community to let the Spirit guide them in this process.
The Blessings Food Pantry, located on the Christ Church Parkway campus, provides food to families and individuals in need. The pantry is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-11:30am. Click here for more information about ways to serve at the pantry.
Love in Action is offering to-go meals 5-6pm Wednesday and 9-10am Sunday on the Parkway Campus, 100 NE 44th St., Deerfield Beach. The free meals began in July 2015, when God led Christ Church to start a shared meal ministry on the former Pompano Beach Campus. This community grew to include up to 200 people on Sunday afternoons and became a worshiping community with individuals sharing a meal and celebrating Holy Communion on Easter Sunday 2019. This worshiping community moved to the Parkway Campus in 2021 and today offers two shared meals, one Wednesday evening and another on Sunday morning. To learn more, please click here.
Each of our Worship Arts and Worship Support Ministries offer an opportunity to connect with others, grow in faith, and learn new skills. If you sing or play an instrument, enjoy working with technology, or would like to assist with worship services, you are invited to help create powerful worship experiences at Christ Church. Click here for information about all the opportunities available to participate in worship arts (music) and worship support.
Don't you love it when someone greets you warmly when you arrive for worship? You can be one of those greeters. We need friendly people to welcome worshipers to the 9am and 11am worship services. Click here to let us know you are ready to welcome fellow Christ Church worshipers. A volunteer coordinator will be in touch.
Hurricane season in Florida extends from June 1 through November 30. If a hurricane threatens our area, members of the Christ Church community may either need help, be willing to help others before or after a storm, or provide materials or services. If you are willing to help the church prepare before a storm, please email us at
When members of the Christ Church family are unable to join us for worship and other activities, special volunteers reach out to them with notes, cards and visits. Members of the visitation team are trained and screened. If you would like to serve with this ministry, please send an email to or call the church office, 954.771.7300.
We believe that we are called to serve not only in our church and community, but in our world. Christ Church supports the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home. In October 2019, Christ Church became a co-sponsor of the Takunda "Fellowship" Empowerment Group in Zimbabwe through Zoe Empowers.
Zoe Empowers is a three-year empowerment program that helps orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa and India lead their own journey from extreme poverty, isolation and abuse to lives of sustainability and hope. Christ Church Fort Lauderdale and the Apex Methodist Men's club partnered with a group of 31 orphaned households and a total of 97 children. You are asked to regularly pray for the head of each household and siblings. Please pray for hope, health, food security, good crops, security and knowing that God with them as they work to rise out of extreme poverty.
Click here for videos of a Virtual Mission Trip and other information about the Christ Church relationship with the Takunda Fellowship.
UMCOR is the not-for-profit global humanitarian aid organization of the United Methodist Church, working in more than 80 countries worldwide, including the United States. Its mission, grounded in the teachings of Jesus, is to alleviate human suffering—whether caused by war, conflict or natural disaster, with open hearts and minds to all people. UMCOR responds to natural or civil disasters that are interruptions of such magnitude that they overwhelm a community's ability to recover on its own. When you make a donation to UMCOR, 100% of your donation is used to assist people. The administration costs for UMCOR are covered elsewhere. Click here to visit the UMCOR website, where you can make a donation.
Residing Hope serves to restore and create families, provide peace in the midst of chaotic lives, and allow children to grow into the fullness by which God created them. This diverse ministry includes residential care, foster care, independent living assistance, counseling and a community child care center. Christ Church is connected to the ministry as a member of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, joining other churches in the conference in maintaining and providing for the facility and ministries. On Fifth Sundays, we make over-and-above financial contributions to the home by check, payable to Christ Church, including “Florida United Methodist Children’s Home” on the memo line, or
click here to give online.
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Christ Church