
Give to Zoe Empowers
Give to Residing Hope

Memorial gifts

Donations in honor and memory of loved ones may be made here.


Faith is more than words or intentions; it reflects the way we order our lives, including how we allocate our money. We give back to God through all of our gifts from God -- time, talents and finances.  Together, as a faith community, our resources can serve those in need and lead others in to a meaningful, loving relationship with God. Giving is also a way we can respond to God's blessings in our lives. Christ Church offers several secure, simple ways to give financially.


Christ Church offers a secure, simple way to give online. Click here to register and give by credit card, debit card or electronic bank transfer. After registering, you can schedule recurring gifts and check your total giving.

Text 954.880.3885

Text-to-give is easy from a mobile device. Just text the word GIVE to 954.880.3885 and follow the simple instructions to give via debit or credit card. You can set up regular giving through your text-to-give account also.

Mail your gift

Tithes and offerings may be mailed to Christ Church at:
4845 NE 25th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

Designated Giving

Generally tithes and offerings to the church go to the ministry support fund, where money is allocated by pastors and lay leaders to support vibrant worship, ministries that serve the hurting, and learning experiences for all ages. Occasionally, there will be opportunities to support specific ministries online and with Text-to-Give. 

Tracking your giving

To track your giving, slick the "sign in" link at the top of this page and register to create an account. After that, you will be able to track your giving. To change a pledge, contact the church business office, 954.771.7300 or send an email to Jeff McNeill,

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