What we believe

God created the world and all that is in it. Each person, regardless of how they identify themselves, is a beloved child of God. Jesus, who is The Christ and God’s Son, came to teach us to love God and one another. His life, teaching, death, and resurrection brought new life to the world. The Holy Spirit fills us with strength and courage to be the Church today, creating a place where no one is excluded and all are embraced and welcomed.

Each child, youth, and adult is a precious child of God. Making disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world with God’s love happens as we worship, study God’s Word, love our neighbor, and joyfully serve our community.

Jesus empowered his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As a reconciling congregation, we seek to live out the baptismal vows of United Methodists: standing up to evil and injustice in whatever forms they present themselves.  

Loving God and all people guide our mission to reflect love, hope, and joy of Jesus as the hands and feet of Christ in the world today.  

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