To all who seek hope, peace, comfort, life-giving friendships, a purpose for living, and a deeper walk with God and one another: Welcome.
We are a diverse, inclusive community of United Methodists who reflect the love, hope and joy of Jesus Christ with each other and in our community. You are invited to join us. Thanks for exploring our website. Please let us know how we can help you get connected.
There are two services every Sunday on the Fort Lauderdale Campus: contemporary praise at 9am in the gym, and a traditional service at 11am Sunday in the sanctuary. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month in both services. Both services are livestreamed online at and on Facebook @christchurchfl
The Fort Lauderdale Campus is one block east of Federal Highway and one block south of Commercial Boulevard. From Interstate 95, head toward the ocean, pass Federal Highway and turn right at NE 24th Terrace. Ample parking is available across NE 24th Terrace from the church.
Get ready to meet friendly people who are glad to help, or let you figure it out on your own if that's your style. There's no call to stand and introduce yourself. Enjoy the music - whether it's a guitar riff in a praise service or a choral anthem in the sanctuary - and listen for God.
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Christ Church