We love children at Christ Church! Through relevant and meaningful discipleship programs, to inter-generational worship, quality after-school and holiday camps, and fun sports programs, we want to help children grow on their journey to know, love and serve Jesus Christ.
If you have questions or want to volunteer with the program, please contact Lisa Jones, coordinator of children's ministry, 954.771.7300 or by email.
The Christ Church nursery on the Fort Lauderdale Campus is open to children under age 3 on Sunday mornings. The nursery is located in the building just east of the Fort Lauderdale Sanctuary. If you have questions, please email Louise Wood or call her at 954.773.7700.
Most Sunday mornings, children age 3 through 5th grade start the 9am worship service with their families. After a children's message, the children are invited to the Walkway Room on the second floor of the gym building. Crosswalk is a discipleship program for children ages 3 through fifth grade. Christ Church is eager to be your partner in helping the children in your life grow as disciples of Jesus.
On the first Sunday of each month and special holy days, elementary school children worship with the families. It's an opportunity for children to share in the practices of faith, such as communion and the celebrations of Easter, and share those occasions with family members. Sometimes, children will be invited to participate as prayer leaders, creed leaders, greeters, ushers, and liturgists. Preschoolers will be invited to Crosswalk after the children's message on Sit Together Sundays.
We love having guests and want your first experience at Crosswalk to be awesome! The beginning of your path in Crosswalk depends on your family's worship time.
Check-in your child as you enter the gym. Children will begin the worship hour with their families. After the children's message, children will be led upstairs to Crosswalk, where they will participate in age-appropriate activities related to the day's message.
Children who arrive for the 11am worship service are invited to worship with their families or to check out the nursery, which is located in the building east of the Fort Lauderdale Sanctuary.
Christ Church makes every effort to creative a safe, protected environment for our children and youth. All adult staff and volunteers who who work with children must be fingerprinted and screened and take part in Child/Youth Protection Policy training each year. If you have questions about the Child/Youth Protection Policy, contact Jeff McNeil, director of operations, by email or by phone, 954.771.7300 ext. 250.
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