Funerals & Memorials

If you are visiting this page because of a loved one's death, please accept our condolences on your loss. We will be praying for you and your family as you go through this difficult time. If we can be of any help, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you in your time of need. 

Below are some frequently asked questions about funerals and memorial services at Christ Church: 

What is the purpose of a funeral?

Having a funeral or memorial service helps to confirm the reality of the death. It provides a safe place for the expression of grief, and allows people to remember the person who has died. It is a way for people to pay their respects. And, most of all, it is an affirmation that death is not the end, but a beginning of eternal life in Christ.

How do I schedule a funeral or memorial service?

Your initial contact will be through Cynthia Metzger Phipps by email or at 954.771.7300 x201. Scheduling is dependent on pastor and facility availability.

Can I choose which pastor officiates at my loved one's memorial service?

If you would prefer a particular Christ Church pastor to officiate at the funeral, please let us know. We will check that pastor’s availability on the funeral date, and will do our best to accommodate your request.

How do we construct the funeral or memorial service?

The pastor who will officiate at the funeral will make an appointment to talk with your loved one's family. The pastor will help you to construct a funeral service that is appropriate for and which will honor your loved one.

Where can the funeral or memorial take place?

Funerals and memorials usually take place in the Fort Lauderdale Sanctuary (which can seat up to 800 people). These services can also take place at other Christ Church locations, e.g. the Fort Lauderdale Gym; or off-site at a funeral home.

What does a funeral or memorial service cost at Christ Church?

There is a $300 facilities charge. The Christ Church pastors do not charge a fee for funerals, although an honorarium may be provided to the pastor if you wish. If a Christ Church pianist, vocalist or organist is requested, the fee is $200 per musician, payable to the church. If you would like to have the service livestreamed, there is an additional $200 charge, assuming the livestream technician is available. 

What if a video slideshow will be a part of the service?

Families are asked to provide the slideshow video in a .mp4 format to the church via thumb drive or digital transfer such as Dropbox two days before the service. If you have questions, please email Cynthia Metzger Phipps, communications director, or call her at 954.771.7300 x201

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