Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. ... whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. -- 1 Peter 4:10-11

Being part of the church leadership team is one of many ways we can serve God with gratitude for the grace God extends. Guiding Christ Church is a Church Council, whose members are nominated by the Leadership Development Team and approved by the Church Council at an annual business meeting presided over by the  South East District Superintendent.  We ask you to prayfully consider whether God is calling you to use your gifts in this way. You may find this Spiritual Gifts Assessment helpful in discerning the gifts God has given you.

Questions and Answers about the Church Council

What is the purpose of the Church Council?

The Church Council of Christ Church United Methodist guards and champions the vision and mission of the congregation, strategically aligning our resources to share the love of Jesus and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and world. We welcome all people as a diverse, inclusive community that reflects the love, hope, and joy of Jesus Christ to each other and our community. The Church Council listens for God’s leading, sets goals for life-giving ministry, and shares their work with the church and community.  

When was the Church Council formed? 

In 2017 the Church Council was created. The new, leaner structure was designed to equip the congregation to effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ.  

When does the Church Council meet?

This group of servant leaders meets once per month for 1 ½ to 2 hours, usually on Monday evenings. 


What happens at the meetings?

Leaders review current ministries and make decisions that keep us aligned with the vision and mission of Christ Church United Methodist. We will grow as servant leaders as a community as we worship, learn, and lead together.   

What kinds of gifts and skills are needed for those who serve on the Church Council?

Leadership abilities are essential, including the ability to listen effectively, work collaboratively and efficiently, review and evaluate reports, and work to bring life and breath to the vision and mission of The Church.  Members of the Church Council also serve on one of three teams: Finance, Staff-Parish (Personnel), and Trustees (Property). The Chair of the Council works with the pastors and staff to formulate an agenda and run an efficient meeting that reviews the work of the teams (Finance, Staff-Parish, and Trustees) and makes decisions that move the church forward and in alignment with the mission and vision of the church. The Council Chair does not serve on one of the three teams that comprise the Church Council but brings direction to the work of the Council.  

When do Council teams meet?
Teams that are part of the Church Council normally meet six to nine times a year. The work of the Finance Team aligns financial resources to enable effective ministry. The Staff-Parish Team supports the pastors and staff to keep a strong team of effective leaders in place. The Trustees team maintains and cares for the building and properties of the church so that effective ministry can be provided in a safe and welcoming environment.  

What is the process for those seeking to join the Church Council?   

Applications will be received through September 15. A team of laity and our pastors will review applications. The Leadership Development Team will submit a list of servant leaders for the class of 2027 to the Charge Conference, which will be held in late October. Current members of Church Council do not need to submit an application. New members begin in January 2025.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

Pastor Cathy Johns: or 

Susan Spragg:


Christ Church United Methodist Council Members shall meet all of the following qualifications:

  1. Be a member of Christ Church United Methodist for a minimum of one year.
  2. Fulfill the vows of members in the United Methodist Church, supporting the church through their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness:


a) demonstrate faithful attendance in corporate worship

b) engage in at least one outreach, service opportunity, mission, or small group activity during the year

c) demonstrate sacrificial giving and support of tithing to the church as a spiritual discipline through at least one of these criteria:

  • tithe 
  • pattern of giving that demonstrates movement toward the tithe 

d) spiritual gifts: each member will profess a deep love of Jesus Christ and gifts of leadership, administration, and discernment

   3. Possess a desire to serve Jesus Christ with excellence and demonstrate a history of this
    through  prior service and current priorities (where they invest their resources)

   4. Shall be of adult age (18 or older)

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