tuesday | december 19 | 6:30pm | zoom
Christ Church United Methodist will have a special-called Charge Conference on Tuesday, December 19, at 6:30pm by Zoom to approve the church leadership for 2024.
The District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Simon Osunlana, according to Par. 246.7 of our United Methodist Church Discipline, has authorized Pastor Alex Shanks to serve as the presiding elder for this meeting.
The sole agenda item at this Charge Conference will be to consider a revised list of members for the Church Council to serve beginning January 1, 2024. The revised list will be developed by the Leadership Development Team and will keep in mind the various transitions that have taken place.
The list will be made available at least 72 hours before the meeting.
This notice of the called Charge Conference is being made (according to our Discipline) more than 10 days in advance of the meeting, and this notice will be made available in worship and by electronic means. The meeting is expected to last less than 30 minutes. All are invited to attend.
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