“There is still a vision for the appointed time; it testifies to the end; it does not deceive. If it delays, wait for it; for it is surely coming and will not be late.” (Habakkuk 2:3, CEB)
The prophet Habakkuk shared these words with a hurting people living in a chaotic world. Everything had changed for the Hebrew people. The Babylonians had destroyed Jerusalem, the beloved city of God and the site of Solomon’s Temple. The people of Jerusalem had either been left for dead or carried far away into exile. They grieved what was lost and feared God had abandoned them. The people wondered about God’s future for them.
Into this pain and fear, Habakkuk proclaims a word of hope and promise. God has a future, and it will come at just the right time. If you can’t see it yet, just wait. God will be faithful and it will be good, all at the appointed time.
Pompano Beach Campus: 'our dream ... for more than condos'
Here at Christ Church United Methodist, I believe we are at such an appointed time. For years, Christ Church has received offers from various developers to purchase the Pompano Beach Campus. We have listened because church leaders have long been aware that Pompano is a large and aging campus that will require large amounts of money to renovate in years to come. Still, these potential offers just didn’t feel like a good fit. Leaders at Christ Church hoped that the property could be used in some way that would be a blessing to the surrounding community. Our dream was that it could be used for more than condominiums or stores. After all, this campus has historic elements, like the chapel, and a long history of blessing the Pompano Beach community.
Parkway United Methodist: 'more manageable ... campus'
At the same time, preliminary conversations began with the Southeast District of the United Methodist Church and Parkway United Methodist Church, just a little north of the Pompano campus, about Parkway and Christ Church merging together and the Parkway campus being a potential site for outreach ministries such as the food pantry and shared meals. Parkway was already doing work like this, serving some of the same people we serve at the Pompano campus. The Parkway campus houses
, a community garden that provides a great deal of produce for the
and other organizations. Parkway has a shower ministry for people experiencing homelessness, and the size of the Parkway campus/building is much more manageable than the large and aging Pompano campus. Still, nothing really came of these discussions for a number of years.
In what feels like a holy moment in time, an appointed time, these two things came together this spring. First, the City of Pompano Beach made an offer on the entire Pompano campus for the purpose of turning it into a school for children in the community. The historic chapel would also be preserved for use by the school. Second, both Parkway United Methodist Church and Christ Church were ready to move ahead with adoption/merger. It would allow us to continue the serve ministries we have felt called to at the Pompano campus and do them in new and innovative ways. It would be a smaller footprint with less overhead expenses in the future. It also ensures the valuable ministry that Parkway UMC was already doing would continue to bless the community. These two streams, the city’s offer and the Parkway adoption/merger, feel like the opportunity God has been waiting to show us, to give us all a good and fruitful future.
The prospect of selling the Pompano campus is difficult at best. Pompano is a special place and many lives have been changed through faithful ministry there over many years. Ideas are already being considered for ways to celebrate the faithful story of First UMC, Pompano Beach, and the Pompano campus. The best legacy, though, would be the continuation of the faithful service and good work that is being done at the campus. Like the Hebrew people who Habakkuk addressed, even as we look with anticipation towards God’s future, we grieve what is changing and give thanks for all that is past, both the people and the place. Still, the vision pushes us forward, like the Hebrew people returning to a new Jerusalem.
As for the proceeds from the sale, it is really pretty simple. A portion of the money will be used to renovate and update the Parkway building to create a mission outreach center that meets the needs of our serve ministries. The rest of the proceeds will be placed in an endowment with the interest revenue coming back to the church over the years for missional and maintenance costs.
How you can make a difference
There are several ways you can participate and be a part of this vision:
Watch two videos here
to catch the vision and understand the details. You'll need the password Wesley (with a capital w) to view.
Please watch before you attend Sunday's Town Hall.
Answer a few poll questions
a fter you watch the videos. We'll use your responses to make sure we provide valuable, helpful information at Sunday's meeting.
the online Town Hall meeting this
Sunday, April 18, at 4pm
. Email to proposal@christchurchfl.org
to be sent a zoom link to the meeting.
Or you can dial into the meeting at 929.205.6099, listen and ask questions. For tech support: help@foundrycreative.group
and 770.854.7283.
the Pompano Beach Campus, 210 NE Third St., either this
Saturday, April 17, 9am–1pm,
or the next,
April 24,
. Tours start at the flagpole every hour on the hour.
questions to
or leave a voice message at
954.771.7300 ext. 201.
Church leaders will get back to you.
Church members,
attend the special Church Conference
Sunday, May 2, at 4pm
to vote on the Pompano Beach Campus sale and the adoption/merger with Parkway UMC.
Keep the whole process and church leaders surrounded in prayer, so that we may faithfully live into God’s vision for us.
I hope you will actively be a part of this discernment. In the end, the hope for all of us is to be faithful to what God calls us to next. As we come together with open hearts and minds, grateful for the past, open to the present, and looking with hope to the future, we know that God is always faithful. If we seek God and God’s Kingdom before everything else, God will show us the way. This I believe!
Together we are the hands and feet of Christ,
Brett Opalinski
lead pastor