Bread for the Journey: Receiving and Giving
Brett Opalinski • February 4, 2022

A Letter from Pastor Brett

Bread for the Journey: Receiving and Giving

Christ Church Family and Friends,

In 1992, the great Christian spiritual writer Henri Nouwen gave an address on spirituality and money.  In that talk, Nouwen spoke of fundraising for ministry, saying,

“…we are declaring, ‘We have a vision that is amazing and exciting.  We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you-your energy, your prayers, and your money-in this work to which God has called us.” (Henri Nouwen, A Spirituality of Fundraising)

It is in this spirit that we are inviting you to give to God’s work through Christ Church United Methodist in 2022!

Our next worship series Bread for the Journey is all about stewardship.  Stewardship is how we are called to become partners with God, to invest our resources to participate in God’s work in the world, especially through the Church community.  The title, Bread for the Journey, reminds us that God has been generous in our lives and provided what we need for the journey of life.  It also speaks to how God asks us to share that same bread, so that others will know God’s blessings on their journeys. 

We begin this stewardship season here at Christ Church with the truth that we have financial challenges.  We have come through a two-year pandemic that turned Church and nearly everything else upside-down.  We have come through a major church division connected to the larger split happening in the United Methodist Church over the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons.  Christ Church, I believe has taken a bold stance that we will work to ensure that all people are fully included…and that has cost us.  Many left Christ Church over this issue and took their money with them.  Some did not leave, but instead withheld giving, or gave simply to designated projects, rather than the operating budget.  

Both factors, in addition to the general overall decline in American Christianity, have made it particularly difficult to fund operating costs.  We have reserves, but they will not last long and our church leaders are working hard to adjust to ensure minimal impact on those reserves.  The funds to operate must come from some place, though.  There will likely be budget cuts this year; the depth of those cuts may depend on the response of this stewardship season. 

My fear in talking about this so directly is that often it leads people to despair, a sense of helplessness, crisis, and withdrawal.  My hope, though, is that it leads to a place of re-dedication and commitment.  We are not in a place of crisis, not yet.  There is something we can all do to turn things around.  However, if we don’t make the investment now, we will be in a place of crisis in years ahead.  That doesn’t have to be our story.  It is up to us. 

Please know that I am not saying this to bring added pressure or guilt.  Healthy stewardship should never come from a place of pressure or guilt.  I am only trying to be transparent about where we are and invite you into the joy of investing in God’s work through the resources God gave you in the first place.

God has an amazing future for Christ Church!  This I know because the church belongs to God…and there are no challenges greater than the grace of God.  God has a future…and we get to be a part of it. 

So, I am asking you to fill out your online pledge card for 2022 by clicking here:


Your giving will make a difference in the Church and the community.  Children will learn, marginalized voices will be heard and welcomed, hungry people will find a table of grace, lonely persons will find a home, grieving families will be cared for, and so many other blessings…all because you filled out a pledge card.

Thank you!

Together we are the hands and feet of Jesus,


Reminder: Beginning this weekend in worship, Christ Church United Methodist will be mask "optional". Please continue to you to hold love of God and neighbor as your guiding principle. If you are not feeling well, please stay home and join us on the virtual campus. Christ Church will continue offering both in person and online worship services. So join us this weekend, either in person or on the virtual campus!

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