From June 1 through August 1, 2024, Christ Church is encouraging donors to build bags for families whose children are home for the summer, not receiving breakfast and lunch at schools.  In Florida, an estimated 1 in 5 children are considered food insecure.

Each bag should include

  • a note of encouragement
  • 2 family-size boxes of healthy cereal
  • 2 family-size boxes of breakfast bars
  • 2 family-size boxes of crackers
  • 2 jars of peanut butter
  • 2 jars of jelly
  • 1 bag of rice
  • 1 box of pasta
  • 2 jars of pasta sauce
  • 2 boxes of mac n cheese
  • 6 cans of tuna *
  • 4 cans of black beans *

*Preferably with pull-tab tops when possible.

Deliver to Parkway, 100 NE 44th St., Deerfield Beach, at the following times:
  • 9-11:30am Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • 4-6pm Wednesday
  • 8-10am Sunday


You can receive 4 community service hours for each complete bag delivered to the Parkway Campus.


If you would like us to shop for the contents of these bags, you can write a check to Christ Church and put "Summer Food Drive" in the memo line.

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Please make sure any donated items are nonperishable and have not expired.

Click here for more about the Blessings Food Pantry.

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