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Join Christ Church pastors on Facebook Live each weekday at 7:30am for a time of scripture reading and prayer.
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Have you ever struggled to read the Bible and apply it to your everyday life? Lectio Divina is an ancient way of praying through Scripture. At Lunch and Lectio, we will slow down and ruminate on the gospel stories. This slow and repetitious reading of the Bible opens the words and stories of Jesus in new ways and allows God to speak to your everyday life.
on Zoom
Christ Church, along with other churches in the Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, is on a journey to confront the sin of racism in ourselves, our church, and in the world. We are committed to working towards a church community that reflects the beautiful diversity of the Kingdom of God.
Advocacy for those who are marginalized by society is a long-standing initiative of the Methodist movement. However this commitment has been renewed and reinvigorated by the response to the public deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed inequities in our society, and the recent killings have led to the urgent need to respond more clearly and intentionally to racism within our annual conference and across our state.
Our Anti-Racsim Task Force works to help the congregation learn about and respond to issues around faith, justice, and racism. The Anti-Racism Task Force meets twice a month, once to discuss a book and the second time to learn about an issue or topic.
You are invited to become a part of the Anti-Racism Task Force at Christ Church. This group works to help the congregation learn about and respond to issues around faith, justice, and racism.
Initial efforts will focus on becoming educated on matters related to racial justice. If you feel called to be a part of this work and to attend our meetings on Zoom, please email Pastor Brett at
Sunday | March 6 | 4pm | on Zoom
Pastor Brett Opalinski leads a discussion of the book Devil in the Grove, which the Anti-Racism Task Force designated as its community read for the first quarter of 2022.
Wednesday | February 16 | 7pm | on Zoom
Gilbert King, author of Devil in the Grove, will talk about his journey of writing the book and the legacy of the Groveland Four on Wednesday, February 16, at 7pm on Zoom.
This opportunity is hosted by the Anti-Racism Task Force of Christ Church, in collaboration with Gwen S Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association, League of Women Voters of Broward County, Urban League of Broward County Young Professionals Network, Partners in Racial Justice, Women of Color Empowerment Institute, History Fort Lauderdale, and the Racial Equity Council of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce.
Click here to watch a recording of the learning experience.
On Thursday, January 20, the Anti-Racism Task Force, the League of Women Voters, of Broward County and Bread for the World hosted a virtual learning experience that helps people understand the connections among racial equity, hunger, poverty, and wealth. The simulation guides participants to an understanding of why racial equity is so important to ending hunger and poverty in the United States. Our hope is that participants, in becoming more aware of structural inequality, can support policies that undo and/or reduce disparities.
On Monday, November 29, Cecile Scoon, President of the Florida League of Women Voters, shared her personal story of awakening as a young Black woman and the journey that led her to become a civil rights attorney and the first Black woman elected president of the Florida League of Women Voters.
Click here to watch A Conversation with Cecile Scoon, part of The Shared Stories Project.
First quarter of 2022
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America by Gilbert King
His Truth is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope by Jon Meacham
Down Along with that Devil's Bones: A Reckoning with Monuments, Memory, and the Legacy of White Supremacy, by Connor Town O'Neill
The Nickel Boys, by Colson Whitehead, winner of the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice by Jemar Tisby
The Black Church: This is Our Story, This is Our Song by Henry Louis Gates Jr.
The Time is Now by Joan Chittister.
Roots by Alex Haley
This is the Fire, by Don Lemon
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of our Racial Divide, by Carol Anderson
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do, by Jennifer L. Eberhardt PhD
White Fragility | video summary by Pastor Brett Opalinski
Resources on Race for people of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church
How to be an Anti-Racist webinar recording
Shared Stories Project | video interviews by Pastor Brett Opalinski
on Zoom
There's so much going on in the Reconciling movement, whether it's serving opportunities or South East District gatherings or news within the United Methodist Church on the state and national level. This group meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
On break
on Zoom
Pastor Brett leads a Bible study at 6pm Wednesday, every week except the first week, when the Taizé Prayer Service is held at 6:30pm. Pastor Brett sends out an email with the study topic every week. Or, just download the Zoom app to your phone or computer, click on the link below. Meeting ID: 735 234 926 Password: 097903
on Zoom
A Christ Church pastor meets with those interested in becoming members. Those interested are asked to complete the online video classes and to ponder the study questions after each video class. The link to the video classes is below.
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