The Marriage of Heaven and Earth . . .
Pastor Doug Johns • October 3, 2024

The Marriage of Heaven and Earth . . .

Jesus often taught about the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God was not something far off and otherworldly; the Kingdom of God is here and now. As beloved Children of God we are called, encouraged, coaxed into a relationship with God that leads to our participation in God’s “new creation.” Begun at Jesus’ resurrection, God’s new creation continues through you and me; “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

As partners with God in revealing God’s new creation, we are participants in the Marriage of heaven and earth. Thus, the kingdom of God is a reality that we lean into as we love God and love those God loves. However, too often our human condition gets in the way. Father Richard Rohr says it best: We live in a “winner-takes-all society,” and we’ve embraced the secular teaching, “dignity must always be ‘acquired’ and earned."

Father Rohr says, “We live in an affluent society that’s always expecting more, wanting more, and believes it even deserves more. But the more we own, ironically enough, the less we enjoy. ...If you don’t live from within your own center of connection and communion, you’ll go spinning around things.” (Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation, Tuesday, October 4, 2016)

As we love God with all of who we are: our finances, our time, and talents, in our work and relationships, we love holding onto hope, a hope that draws us back to the center of who we are, God’s beloved. It is in this hope, grounded in God’s love, that we begin to experience God’s new creation and become partners in revealing God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!

All that we have, and all of who we are, belongs to God, When we live life from the center of this reality we possess a peace that the world cannot give, nor take away; we possess a joy that transcends our circumstances; we are a new creation participating in God’s new creation!

See you in church!

Through Christ,

Pastor Doug Johns

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