Who we are

Christ Church offers worship opportunities on the Fort Lauderdale Campus.



Before both services, we come together for coffee and conversation outside the kitchen window in the gym lobby. Worshipers at the 9am service are invited to linger after worship; 11am worshipers are invited to come early to spend time with their church family. 


Inspiring, contemporary praise music led by Praise Worship Leader Jason Campbell and the Praise Band is the hallmark of this service in the Fort Lauderdale Gym. This service includes some traditional elements -- responsive prayers and readings -- but also a come-as-you-are, relaxed atmosphere. The preaching pastor of the day gives the same message in both Fort Lauderdale services.


After the children's message during the 9am Praise Service, elementary and preschool students are invited upstairs to the Walkway Room for children's worship. During the 11am service, children worship with their families before being invited to the nursery. Children age 3 and under are always welcome in the nursery.

First Sundays of the month are Sit Together Sundays, when Elementary children worship with their families.


9am bulletin here 


This service is livestreamed at christchurchfl.org/live and on Facebook @christchurchfl with recordings available on these sites after the service.



The hymns you grew up with and love are led by accomplished musicians and Director of Music Ministry Chuck Stanley. This service includes many traditional elements including music by the Chancel Choir, the Doxology, Gloria Patri and the Christ Church closing hymn, Spirit Song. The preaching pastor of the day gives the same message in both Fort Lauderdale services.


11am bulletin here


This service is livestreamed at christchurchfl.org/live and on Facebook @christchurchfl with recordings available on these sites after the service. 


On the first Sunday of each month on the Fort Lauderdale Campus, we share Holy Communion in both worship services.

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