If we are to be Ambassadors for Christ, it will involve a change of attitude in how we approach life; it will involve making the shift from an attitude of “scarcity” to one of “abundance.” The problem with living life bound by an attitude of “scarcity” is that it shackles our perspective on all of life. Thus, we are imprisoned by fear; bound by fear trust deteriorates; lack of trust diminishes our ability to step out in faith and embrace God’s blessings.
On the other hand, when we can see and claim that we are a people of “abundance” we find freedom to be the people Christ calls us to be. Thus, we live by faith not fear; faith and hope go together, and we possess a hope that, as Paul proclaims, “will not disappoint us;” free to trust in God’s promises, an attitude of “abundance” moves us to invest in God’s kingdom: Loving God, and those God loves!
Commitment Sunday on October 20 was a day of celebration. Celebrating who we are: God’s Beloved children and Ambassadors for Christ! As Ambassadors for Christ, on October 20, we committed ourselves to helping others embrace their identity as God’s beloved children!
To date we have received 60 commitments, which represents an average commitment of $6,073. The people of God have spoken. No longer will we live imprisoned by a mentality of “scarcity,” but in Jesus Christ, we are a people of “abundance”!
Thank you to all who have made a commitment to the vision, mission, ministry, and outreach of Christ Church United Methodist. You have chosen to invest in changed lives and transformed communities, and the dividend on your investment is priceless!
If you have not yet made a financial commitment, I encourage you click here to join those who have. Invest in sharing the Love, Hope, and Joy of Jesus Christ with one another and our community.
God is “doing a new thing” at Christ Church, “don’t you perceive it?” I look forward to serving in ministry with you in the months ahead: Ambassadors for Christ. See you in church!
In Christ,
Pastor Doug
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Christ Church