A pastor in Knoxville,Tennessee, Rev. Catherine Nance wrote an incredible article quoting her preaching professor’s book entitled: Just Tell the Truth: A Call to Faith, Hope, and Courage. This is from a sermon of Dr. Richard Lischer, focusing on John 1:29-34 where John the Baptist is testifying to the truth:
It goes without saying that Jesus is not a Republican or a Democrat (there, I said it), but he does have a platform, and it’s been published! We know it as the New Testament. His platform does not support the idolatry of power, nor does it feed on self-aggrandizement. The religion of the cross is not about winning. It begins with sacrificial love – Christ’s love for us and for all people. It includes welcoming the stranger, caring for the sick, forgiving enemies, forgoing violence, upholding life, and glorifying God in all that we do. The planks in his platform do not represent optional lifestyle choices for Christians. They are the hallmarks of those who claim his name.
Rev. Catherine Nance adds the following: “Dr. Lischer goes on to talk about presidential inaugurations and the new president swearing in with a hand on the Bible. I hope and pray that as the new president takes the presidential oath, Christians everywhere will lay a hand on the Scripture or make the sign of the cross on our hearts and remember that we too have testimony to give. Not just in relation to one president or one administration, but for the rest of our lives.”
I, like Rev. Nance, am thankful that I live in a nation where we have the right to vote. My prayer is that all of us will vote prayerfully, seeking to be people who support the platform of Christ, the One whose compassion and love is still changing the world.
As we celebrate All Saints Day this Sunday, we will remember that we are the children of God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Holy Communion will be served as we celebrate the saints who have gone on before us and now dwell in the eternal light of God. Please read Ezekiel 36:24-28 to prepare your heart for worship.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday!
Pastor Cathy Johns
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Christ Church